Vision & Goals
Aussie Aid is a local Australian charity, and we are passionate about seeing lives changed through local generosity and empowering relationships. Aussie Aid is registered through the Federal Government Australian Charity and Not-For-Profit Commission, and we are a Deductible Gift Recipient. Our vision is to help people through the relief of poverty, injustice, and misfortune. Our goals are to:
Reduce poverty
Resist injustice
Raise education and health outcomes
Restore wellbeing
Rebuild families and community
The values of Aussie Aid support the outworking of the vision, strategy, targets, and objectives. People and their welfare are our primary concern. Our values are embedded in organisational culture and behaviour and directly influence how care and support are administered. Our guiding organisational values are:
Our Strategy
Our focus is not on replicating entire systems or services but supporting and working alongside existing health, educational, welfare, charitable systems, and most importantly directly supporting families. We do this through utilising the social capital resources of a community through ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). To read more about this please click below.
Our Projects
Aussie Aid is supporting local and international people experiencing poverty, injustice, and misfortune through meeting their education and health needs. Specifically, we partner with House of Hope Africa and Future Focus Ministries in meeting the needs of children and families.
House Of Hope Africa
Michael and Christine relocated to Zambia from Perth in 2014. In 2016 Michael and Christine established House of Hope Africa as a Christian charity in Australia and Zambia. House of Hope aims to holistically and actively care for and empower the most vulnerable women, children, and families across Zambia and Africa. House of Hope has six key programs to meet the needs of the people of Zambia, including a food program. For $35 per month we can help feed a family of five healthy and nutritional food.
Each hamper:
Provides a one month food supply to a family of 5
Is approved by a specialised nutritionist in Zambia
Consists of both perishable vegetables (cabbages, tomatoes etc) and longer lasting vegetables (beans, soya pieces);
A 25kg bag of mealie meal (staple starch); salt; cooking oil
Hygienic products (soap, toilet paper etc)
For more information, visit:
House of Hope Website – houseofhopeafrica.org
House of Hope Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/houseofhopeafrica
Future Focus Ministries
Future Focus Ministries, with the help of Pastor John Victor, work in villages near Visakhapatnam India (district of Andhra Pradesh) and in the Mumbai slums, providing fresh water wells, education, clothing, and rice.
The aim is to reach the poor, underprivileged, lonely, sick, and widowed through drilling water wells, providing education, and, the distribution of clothes, blankets, and food, to Christian and non-christian alike. There are boys and girls homes, as well as support for the widowed. The elevation of widows out of poverty is achieved through a sewing program which provides micro-economic income and business skills allowing these women to start a new life.
For more information, visit:
Future Focus Ministry India Website – https://www.ffmindia.org/

Our Sponsors
We have a range of corporate and community sponsors who support the work of Illawarra Community Care. If you would like to partner with Illawarra Community Care, click the link below to find out how you can help to combat poverty, injustice, and misfortune in the Illawarra.
Thanks to our Sponsors
Three Flamingos
C3 Church Shellharbour
Asvic Engineering & Software
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