Vison & Goals
Illawarra Community Care is a local Australian charity and registered through the Federal Australian Charity and Not-For-Profit Commission and we are a Deductible Gift Recipient. Illawarra Community Care’s main goal is to help local families and individuals through the relief of poverty, injustice, and misfortune. We are liaising with Shellharbour City Council and other local partners to identify projects which will help break the cycle of poverty in this region and improve wellbeing in our Illawarra community.
Our goals are to:
Reduce poverty
Resist injustice
Raise education and health outcomes
Restore wellbeing
Rebuild families and community
The values of Illawarra Community Care support the outworking of the vision, strategy, targets, and objectives. People and their welfare are our primary concern. Our values are embedded in organisational culture and behaviour and directly influence how care and support are administered. Our guiding organisational values are:
Our Strategy
Our focus is not on replicating entire systems or services but supporting and working alongside existing health, educational, welfare, charitable systems, and most importantly directly supporting families. We do this through utilising the social capital resources of a community through ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). To read more about this please click below.
Our Projects
Illawarra Community Care is supporting local people experiencing poverty, injustice, and misfortune through meeting their felt needs. Specifically, we aim to provide, conditional to funding, relief in the area of food security and education support for families with children.
Other types of projects we aim to provide in time are:
Financial counselling services
Circle of Security (attachment style parenting program)
Mainly Music (creative music program for toddlers and parents to promote attachment parenting)
Art classes for adults experiencing mental health challenges
Art classes for children from low-income families
As well as many other flexible options…
Creator’s Mark
Art Prize and Exhibition
C3 Shellharbour and Illawarra Community and Care are proud sponsors of the Inaugural Creator's Mark Art Prize and Exhibition which is a weekend long Charity Art Show & Community Event, celebrating creativity and showcasing local artists and artworks based on this years theme;
"Rhythms of Grace"
For more details Visit Creators Mark Webpage
Our Sponsors
We have a range of corporate and community sponsors who support the work of Illawarra Community Care. If you would like to partner with Illawarra Community Care, click the link below to find out how you can help to combat poverty, injustice, and misfortune in the Illawarra.
Thanks to our Sponsors
Three Flamingos
Home Instead
ASVIC Engineering & Software
C3 Church Shellharbour
Need Help?
If you would like to receive support from Illawarra Community Care, there is a brief conversation we’d like to have with you to get to know about your situation further. Please note, we are not a crisis service though are able to provide information about where to access crisis support if you need it. Click here to access a copy of our referral network, otherwise please click below to request help and one of our volunteers will get in touch with you.